3M Preferred Graphics Installer Identity Guidelines

THE FOLLOWING ARE EXCERPTS FROM THE 3M PREFERRED GRAPHICS INSTALLER IDENTITY GUIDELINES. Many businesses in the GTA are claiming on their websites they are  3M Certified OR they are a 3M Preferred Installer OR a 3M Certified company.  If they will blatantly lie on the front page of their website, imagine the false information you may be told. Basically a 3M Preferred Installer is the best in the business. It is extremely hard to become one so we do not take it lightly when a company professes to have 3M Preferred Installers when they don’t. Any company not following the policies and structure as set out in the 3M Guidelines and who are clearly not qualified and listed as a 3M Preferred Graphic Installer on the 3M posted list, is in clear violation of the guidelines and will be identified and dealt with directly by 3M.It is an offense to make false presentations of this designation and they are in clear violation of The Competition Act.  The best way to satisfy yourself if the person claiming to hold this accreditation is indeed qualified by 3M please go to this LINK . IF YOU DO NOT SEE THEIR COMPANY NAME AND THE PERSON’S NAME HOLDING THE DESIGNATION ON THE LIST THEY DO NOT HOLD THE 3M PREFERRED GRAPHIC INSTALLER DESIGNATION.

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3M Preferred Graphics Installer Identity Guidelines as set out by 3M

The 3M Preferred Graphics Installer designation should be associated with the name of the person(s) who holds this designation in all informational media, including websites and brochures. Adding a link to a list of your 3M Preferred Graphics Installer names behind the Emblem or another location is acceptable.

Recommendations for identifying Preferred Installers:

I am accredited as a 3M Preferred Graphics Installer.

  • Charlie Halpin is a 3M Preferred Graphics Installer.
  • Charlie Halpin of Car Wraps Inc is a 3M Preferred Graphics Installer.
  • We employ 3M Preferred Graphics Installers, all of them know how to provide the best custom car wraps. Click this link for the names of these accredited professionals. (Provide a link to individuals’ names.)
  • We contract only 3M Preferred Graphics Installers. Click this link for the names of these accredited professionals. (Provide a link to individuals’ names.)

 Using the Designation in Your Communications

 Any graphics installer who has passed the 3M Preferred Graphics Installer test may use the designation 3M Preferred Graphics Installer in promotional body copy.

 What Not To Do

Do not refer to yourself or your company as a producer or installer of Scotchprint® Graphics unless you are also a current Scotchprint® Graphics Authorized Manufacturer—a unique designation available only from 3M.

  • Do not use the word “certified” in connection with your status as a 3M Preferred Graphics Installer.
  • Do not make any claim or relationship about your company being a 3M Certified Graphics Installer–this designation is an individual person’s designation only.
  • Do not infer that your credentials as a professional installer affect your ability to extend any 3M warranty to the customer.
  • Do not imply that you are a preferred 3M vendor.

 Terms of Usage

 The Designation and Emblem may be used as specified in this guideline only by the individual installers who have current 3M Preferred Graphics Installer credentials. Installers will submit to 3M for approval every instance of use of the 3M Preferred Graphics Installer emblem. Any variation to these guidelines must also be approved by 3M.



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